St Joseph's Day

St Joseph's Day in Venezuela

Sunday, March 19, 2023 2023
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 2024
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 2025
Thursday, March 19, 2026 2026
Friday, March 19, 2027 2027
Sunday, March 19, 2028 2028
Population: 27223228

Additional Details

3/19/2024 12:00:00 AM

No long week end you will have just 1 day off.
11/19/2017 Feria of La Chinita
11/21/2017 University Students Day
12/8/2017 Immaculate Conception, Loyalty Day
12/17/2017 Simon Bolivar Memorial Day
12/24/2017 Christmas Eve
12/25/2017 Christmas Day
12/31/2017 New Year's Eve
1/1/2018 New Year's Day
1/6/2018 Epiphany
1/14/2018 Feast of the Divina Pastora
1/15/2018 Teacher's Day
2/12/2018 Youth Day
2/20/2018 Federation Day
3/8/2018 International Women's Day
3/19/2018 St Joseph's Day
3/21/2018 Slavery Abolition Anniversary
3/31/2018 Foundation anniversary Day of San Cristóbal, Táchira
4/1/2018 Carnival
4/19/2018 Beginning of the Independence Movement
5/1/2018 Labor Day
5/3/2018 Fiesta de las Cruces
6/24/2018 Army Day
6/27/2018 Journalists' Day
7/5/2018 Independence Day
7/24/2018 Navy Day
7/25/2018 Caracas City Foundation Day
8/3/2018 Flag Day
9/8/2018 Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary and feasts of the Virgen del Valle and Our Lady of Coromoto
9/24/2018 Feast of the Our Lady of Mercy
10/12/2018 Day of Indigenous Resistance
11/1/2018 All Saints' Day
11/2/2018 All Souls' Day
1/1/9999 Children's Day
1/1/9999 Father's Day
1/1/9999 Mother's Day