Hari St. Stephen's

Hari St. Stephen's Botswana

Selasa, 26 Disember 2023 2023
Khamis, 26 Disember 2024 2024
Jumaat, 26 Disember 2025 2025
Sabtu, 26 Disember 2026 2026
Ahad, 26 Disember 2027 2027
Selasa, 26 Disember 2028 2028
CurrencyCode: BWP
Population: 2029307

Additional Details

26/12/2024 12:00:00 PG

Long Weekends

Need a bridge. In 2024, Hari St. Stephen's in Botswana will occur on a Saturday. You will have a 4 days holidays from 26/12/2024 to 29/12/2024
25/12/2017 Hari Krismas
26/12/2017 Hari St. Stephen's
1/01/2018 Tahun baru
1/04/2018 Isnin Easter
1/04/2018 Naiknya hari
1/04/2018 Good Friday
1/05/2018 Hari pekerja
1/07/2018 Sir Seretse Khama Day
30/09/2018 Sambutan hari kemerdekaan
1/10/2018 Botswana hari cuti
1/01/9999 Presiden hari